Friday, May 16, 2008

Summer Vacations

The advent of the month of May makes me nostalgic and reminds me of summer vacations and naani ka ghar. I have never been able to convince myself why we dont have summer vacations at work :P.
Much of my summer vacations were spent in Satna, a small town in Madhya Pradhesh very close to Maihar Devi. Although this town was very small but it had a charm about it. My nanaji was an engineer employed with the PWD of the railways. I never delved on this but it seemed he was holding a very important position. The house that the railways had given him was just out of the dreams. Built on 20000 sq ft of land, it was build during the British era. The house had a verandah all aound it and a huge huge aangan, innumerable rooms , a swimming pool !!, a bath tub in every bathroom ( ofcourse the bath tubs had no running water and had to be filled in manually), a tree of every variety you name it- mango, jamun, imli, guava, falsa, even a litchi tree !!- there were other trees as well but as a kid I was only interested in the fruity ones.It had a huge garden with chairs and tables arranged around it. All vegetables were grown in the kitchen garden only. It even had a huge swing.
The moment I landed up at my nanaji's place, I would ensure that all the kids in the surrounding area were aware that they needed to keep me happy to have access of the swing. The deal was pretty straight after each kids turn on the swing it was my turn and the other kids were supposed to push the swing for me :)
Lot of times I have thought of going to Satna again to check on the house. Was it really so big and so green or is it just childs dream. Whichever way be it I would love to live this dream again :)

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