Sunday, July 13, 2008

Do we need a change to the constitution

Everytime I see a political situiation in India as today I wonder " do we need to change the constitution". Are these leaders who are laeding the country or are these sabziwaalas selling tehmselves off at the cost of the country.

The big question is what can a common citizen really do-Do we need to propose a change to the constitution . If yes ? Then who will do it? One cant really expect these " shitty" politicians to do the deed. In that case - why cant one of us " the so called educated, well aware, truthful, loyal citizens " participate in politics and try to change the system.
The question arises does any individual carry so much power that we can do a " Jihad " against the Political system. Do we need to have a management programme run by IIM A to train our politicians- to teach them healthy politics and ways and means to earn while still remaining loyal to the country. Then why cant these Top B school graduates who are busy these days writing boring books participate in the countries politics and make the system better.
Its a long list but the answer at the end of the day is as long as each one of us is not willing to participate these politicans will continue to rule the country and fill there coffers. And between them ( the politicans ) and us ( the common citizens)- we only care about our well being and 2 hoots abt the country

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