Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yesterday evening I had a long long chat with a cousin based in US. The reason for the chat was simple. This cousin had recommended an Indian guy based out in US for matrimonial purpose. I spoke/chatted with this guy but since he wanted to be permanently based out of US and I didn't , I couldn't see a future for myself with this guy.

My cousin felt that I carried a regressive opinion and an NRI and subsequently a green card holder is what i should aspire to be in my life.

This long and almost heated discussion makes me wonder :

Why is the TAG of being an NRI, is so hot and happening. Why is it that being called a GLOBAL CITIZEN feels more respectable to some than being known as an Indian. Why do some people want to hide there identity as Indians and want themselves to be known as US or Canadian citizens.

When shall we Indians start taking pride in being known as INDIAN CITIZEN, When shall we stop saying " Singapore/ Hongkong /London" Rocks and Delhi is so " Punju", When shall we start feeling pride in our education system, When shall we feel the pride that some of the worlds most sought after professionals happen to be Indians who took there basic education in India.

When will Indians grow up ? When shall we become indifferent to such cheap tactics to undermine our own worth.

It seems so ironic to have this discussion just 4 days before Indians 61st Independence day. It seems Indians are still mentally in shackles where everything that is white/gora is good and everything that is dark/Indian is bad.


Bloggy said...

I think you are much prejudiced towards towards these global citizens. Tell me whats wrong in being based out of NY or London. This is so global a world. Some years back it took me 3 days to meet my grandmom in Chennai now it takes six hours to casually meet a friend in London.
Will you marry a guy who says that he will be based in Chennai for rest of his life? Or what about a airforce officer saving your MOTHER INDIA and based in Port Blair.
What I mean is that saying that 'I want to live whole of my life in London' is exactly same as saying that 'I want to be based out in Chennai'. It is not that I do not love India or you can question my patriotism or I take pride in being called an NRI. Remember no body likes the tag its the bucks associtaed with the tag. Who would you like a Rich-i-Rich Indian or a just well to do NRI? ...

Baani T said...

Hi Supreme, Thanks for visiting my blog. I dont have anything personal against any of these Global citizens. What I am against is the mentality that just because a person is based out of India , he needs to be given some browny points for it. Different people have different expectations from life- for some relocating to NY or london is the ultimate dream, for me it isnt. Each to there own. I just dont like the idea of any tagging. As for ur question- whether I wud like a Rich-i-rich Indian or just well to do NRI- I wud prefer someone I can like for his personal traits and not cos he is rich or an NRI !